About Us

We are both Registered Massage Therapists, We are both in good standings and members of the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) as well as the Registered Massage Therapist’s Association of Ontario (RMTAO).

Throughout our lives, we experience different types of pain in our body that will cause discomfort and interrupt our daily lives.

With our professional knowledge, we will be able to tailormade different treatments for the individuals based on their needs and goals. In the treatment plan, we will use professional massage techniques to help relieve the pain for our client in order to improve the quality of life. This will help to improve the sleeping habit, mental issues and social skills for the individuals. Do not underestimate how a treatment will be able to help. We encourage those who are suffering with pain to seek treatment sooner in order to have a healthier lifestyle.

我們都是註冊按摩治療師,我們都是安大略省按摩治療師學院 (CMTO) 和安大略省註冊按摩治療師協會 (RMTAO) 的成員,信譽良好。

在生活當中有著各種各樣的痛症,而這些痛症正在影響人們的生活, 每日都受著疼痛的折磨。
